4 major species of Italian Red Frog are actually reported in Italy: Rana agile (Rana Dalmatina), Rana di Lataste (Rana latastei), Rana appenninica (Rana Italica), Rana rossa (Rana temporaria).

Her are also pictures from a smaller project carried out over my spare time as, you know, it is quite difficult for Italian schools to show to show students something “live”. Few individuals have been monitored and followed trough their metamorphosis (and yes, they’re safe now).

IUCN Red List fiche

Rana rossa (Rana temporaria)

Kingdom Animali Phylum Chordata Class Amphibia Order Anura Family Ranidae

Pictures of a one-eyed rana temporaria individual have been taken in the Aveto Regional Park.